          國務院記者會2009.08.27(對達賴訪台) ■雲程譯 st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 Ma has rejected Dalai Lama’s visit once in 2008. The decision of Dalai Lama’s visit to Taiwan this time was made by Ma’s authority itself, not DPP. Ma has looked down on DPP after his overwhelming victory in the ele 宜蘭民宿ction of 2008. DPP is a meaningless minority in Taiwan politics since 2008. 從2008選舉大勝後,馬政府何時理睬過民進黨?假使如國民黨政治人物所言,有政治考量,馬總統直接否決即可,他以前也以「時機不宜」而予以否決。為何時機不能再「不宜」一次?2008年起,民進黨已經是台灣政壇「 網路行銷無意義的少數」! 美國國務院記者會(對達賴訪台)  ■DoS(2009.08.27) 問:在其他議題上,中國對於台灣允許達賴喇嘛訪問的決定感到火大。美國對此有何看法?達賴喇嘛能否在台灣自由旅行? 答:達賴喇嘛是國際上備重敬重的宗教領袖,他常在國際間旅行,我想台灣當局所做的任何決定,你應該去問他們。 問:我能?訂做禮服~續問嗎? 答:當然。 問:美國是否關切此事會對兩岸改善的關係產生負面衝擊? 答:首先而且是最重要的,這是達賴喇嘛與台灣當局之間的事務。我們不認為在這區域會產生任何特定的緊張。 問:等一下,你雖然不認為會,但實際上就已經發生了啊! 答:這個嘛~ 問:甚至於連達賴喇嘛還沒到台灣,已經有緊張情勢了。 答:這樣說好了。我認為?租房子 A我是說,這些當局想做什麼必須自己做決定。我們當然希望這些行動應該…,不會導致任何地區的緊張升高。 問:但你不認為達賴喇嘛到台灣訪問會引發緊張,不會產生台灣與中國間的緊張? 答:我們相信達賴喇嘛是備受尊重的人物,且他… 問:但中國可一點都不尊重他。 答:而他時常旅行,我們不相信這會導致此地區的緊張升高。 問:你知道有任何美國官員致電任何台 小額信貸灣官員或中國官員討論此一議題? 答:完全不知。 QUESTION: On a different topic, China has been quite upset by the decision of Taiwan to let the Dalai Lama visit. Does the United States have a position on that and whether the Dalai Lama should be allowed to travel freely to Taiwan ? MR. CROWLEY: The Dalai Lama is an internationally respected religious le 土地買賣ader who travels internationally on a regular basis, and I would refer you to Taiwan authorities as to any offer of travel they have made. QUESTION: Can I follow up on that? MR. CROWLEY: Sure. QUESTION: Is the U.S. concerned that this could have a negative impact on cross-strait budding relations or improved ties? MR. CROWLEY: This is, first and foremost, a matter betwe 買屋en the Dalai Lama and Taiwanese authorities. We don’t think there would be any cause for any particular tension in the region. QUESTION: Well, wait – you don’t think it would be, but it is. MR. CROWLEY: Well -- QUESTION: It already has caused tension, and he’s not even there yet. MR. CROWLEY: Put it this way, I think it – I mean, these entities should make their own judgments on what the 保濕面膜y want to do. And we would certainly hope that actions should – would not result in any increased tension in the region. QUESTION: But you don’t think that a visit by the Dalai Lama to Taiwan should provoke tensions – should stoke tensions between China and Taiwan ? MR. CROWLEY: We believe that the Dalai Lama is a respected figure and he -- QUESTION: Well, he’s not so respected in China . MR. CROWLEY: – and he 吳哥窟 travels regularly and we do not believe that this should result in increased tensions in the region. QUESTION: Can you see if any U.S. officials have called any Taiwanese officials or Chinese officials on the issue? MR. CROWLEY: I’m not aware that we have. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 術後面膜  .

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